Medicine Woman Path II
13-weeks Program
Begins on Sunday,ย ย April 7th at 12, noonย pm PSTย
and continues for 13 consecutive weeks
Medicine Woman Path II
Welcome back dear sister as we continue to excavate, bring back, and Restore the Ancient healing modalities and visionary Shamanistic Traditions of both Anahuac, present day Mexico and Tahuantinsuyo, present day Peru.ย In the Introduction to the Medicine Woman Path, you were introduced to the 4 Sacred Directions from the lens of Ancient Peru as well as to theย technology of the Andean Chakana as tools for personal healing, empowerment, and to expand future possibilities and potential by clearing away our personal landscapes and doing shadow work.
The Medicine Woman Path II, is about exploring, tapping and learning the main Shamanistic healing modalites of Ancient Mexico and Peru, namely Soul Retrieval / soul lost healing, and Shamanic Journeys and how and when to use them as potent healing modalities.
Those timeless medicine ways are now Returning to inform Alternative Healing Practices because their essence and potency is in calibrating and integrating the Whole Being: body, mind, soul, higher self, and energy field bringing fragmented and entangled soul pieces of the self back into coherence with the whole body.
This container meets for 13 weeks.
When we talk about the Soul Retrieval and the Shamanic Journeys healing modalities, we are refering to the Shamanic Upper, Middle and Lower Worlds, as dynamic dimensions of space and time, (Pachas)ย imbued with specific wisdom, gifts, frequencies and healing energetics used by the Curanderos for time immemorial. Those dimensions are the Hanaq, Kay and Uhku Pacha respectively.
In the Uhku Pacha OR lower world, we mend and integrate the past, the persononal soul history which may include past lives. This is the dimension and the medicine of shadows, inner child wounding, soul fragmentation and the unconscious aspects of the self which we aim to Integrate. This is the medicine of Soul Retrieval or Llamado de Animo and here we work with the innerstanding that as we journey through life, at one point, we will inevitably experience trauma, difficult childhoods, or unexpected challenges that may cause soul lost. As a Medicine Woman in training, you will learn the skills to journey to the lower world and retrieve soul essence for a client. The animal ally of the Uhku Pacha is the serpent.
In the Kay Pacha, middle world we engage with this ordinary, mundane plane. With the world of everyday interactions and decisions and in this realm, the Medicine Woman supports her clients to re-visit, re-write new contracts or agreements that are more in Alignment with their authentic selves. This healing modality generally comes after the client has integrated more of their essence and healed past traumas via the Soul Retrieval. The kay Pacha is all about becoming more aware of our blueprint and impact within the Living Web of life. The animal ally of the kay pacha is the jaguar.
In the Hanaq Pacha, upper world, the Medicine Woman learns to source from the realm of pure potential, possibility and magic. She innerstands that in the upper world we are always held whole and have never been fragmented. The main healing modality of this realm is the Shamanic Journey which opens our consciousness into higher visions, higher states of consciousness and higher possibilities. The upper world holds our highest destinies. As a medicine woman, you will learn to guide your client in a Shamanic Journey to retrieve and call forward their highest timeline or destiny. The animal ally of the hanaq pacha is the visionary condor.
In the Medicine Woman Path II, you will receive instructions and will practice within smaller groups how to facilitate both Soul Retreivals and Shamanic Journeys with the clear intention of supporting our collective healing and liberation. NOTE: you will need a Drum.ย
In addition, In the Medicine Woman Path II you will learn about Limpias or barridas which are energetic cleansings with the support of fresh flowers and plants such as rue, rosemary and basil as well as with fresh eggs for extraction of denser energies that may be lodged within the body. Limpias are a central component in the Ancestral healing traditions of the past. The body of wisdom we work with is the innerstanding that because we are Energy Beings of interactions and relationships, we often absorb energies (like a sponge) from people, places, situations and from the land herself. If this energy is dense or heavy, this accumulates hucha, stagnant energy in our energetic or physical body and if this energy is not recycle or cleared, it can become imprinted or crystalized into our physical body causing unwellness. NOTE: you will need fresh healing plants for the experiential portion of the Limpias.
The Medicine Woman Path II is a deeper exploration of what it means to be a Medicine Woman and how to cultivate your medicine bundle,-your Mesa Mastana- within the Andean Cosmo-vision. The wisdom of the Mesa bundle providesย deeper insights into how in Shamanic Earth Based Medicine we source form the Forces of Nature, The Four Sacred Directions, the Elements, the Elementals and the Unseen to harmonize the physical body AND our Reletionship with the Web of Life and the Cosmos.
Another central component of those more advanced teachings is deepening your practice and innerstanding of Tracking which is a skill we develop with practice. Tracking is also known as Shamanic Seeingย Tracking is seeing what is hidden or is unspoken.
ย Month/Module 1 focuses on the Uhku Pacha, “El Mundo de Abajo” the world of the unseen and how we may engage with this realm for healing. You will be working within smaller groups to practice drumming for the soul retrieval healing modality.
Month/Module 2 focuses on this realm, the Kay Pacha and how to support others toย manifest, re-write and/or reclaim their conscious agreements in Alignment with higher levels of Authenticity. And because the kay pacha is this middle, ordinary world of interactions, we will study and practice the millenary Art of Limpias with fresh plant allies.ย
Month/Module 3 focuses on the Hanaq Pacha and the art of the East Direction of becoming conscious co-dreamers, co-weavers of the prophesied New Earth. Here you will learn to facilitate Shamanic Journeys to sync your potential clients with the living web of life.
ย Who is this offering for?ย
This container is for you if you took the Intro to the Medicine Woman Pathย
It is for you if you already practice Earth Based Healing modalities and wish to expand your knowledge and working gifts and tools.
It is for you if you wish to Embody more of the Archetype of the Medicine Woman
This container is for you if you wish to learn more about Soul Retrieval and Shamanic Journeys.
What Else is Included:ย
- A private Whatsapp group for support, community, inspiration and accountability and to share our breakthroughs and struggles.
- Spotify playlist to flow with the blueprint of the teachings and themes.
- Email access to me for questions and to suport your path.
- 2 Guest presentersย to provide you with a deeper understanding of what this path and way of living is about and what it looks like in the practice.

We meetย for 13 consecutive weeks, and the meetings are recorded in case you are unable to attend some of the circles.
A PDF document of the full 13-week program schedule is available HERE : Program Schedule
Participation in this program requires a commitment from you and availability to meet in between sessions for practicum and drum journeys.ย
Blessed Be, Thank you for saying YES!

The exchange for the program is $1800 when paid in full. There is also a six month payment plan available for $1900ย Please email me if you need an extended Eight month payment plan option.ย
Please email me with any questions at
Register Here
Marilu Shinn is one of those rare authentic teachers who will change your life forever.I have been working in the helping/healing field professionally for over 25 years. I left conventional medicine over 15 years ago to pursue a career in alternative healing. I have dedicated my life to helping individuals, groups and communities to heal by having a shift in consciousness to reunite with our truest selves, each other and Mother Earth.
Sometime early in 2021 I began hearing/feeling a deep urge within me to further deepen my own inner-work and deepen my medicine. To heal ancient wounds within my lineage that are finally ready, after countless generations, to be healed. I could innately feel a magnetism to an unknown teacher out there.
My curiosityย was peaked and yet I proceeded with caution, as I knew the level of commitment I was bringing to the table and I wanted to make sure that I was calling in the caliber of teacher I truly needed.
When I first learned of Marilu, I had an immediate instinct that she was genuine, real, and powerful.ย However, I needed to test the waters before jumping in. I took her 3-day course โJourney with the Three Shamanic Worlds of Engagementโ, and it proved to be a powerfully transformative experience and left me wanting more. I knew I had found the teacher and guide I had been looking for.
I next took Mariluโs Intro to the Medicine Woman Path. This proved to be life altering, and I am still unpacking theย tremendous gifts I received during this time. I honestly feel like the 16 weeks we spent in this container were equivalent to a 2 year program.
Marilu is masterful at cultivating a safe communal environment where deep healing can occur. As anyone in the healing arts knows, one cannot facilitate for another what they have not healed within themselves, and one cannot give to another what they themselves do not possess.
Marilu is an authentic teacher/guide/mentor because she walks this walk every day of her life โ she IS the medicine. And she initiates within you the ability to face your ownย shadows, find your healing, and discover the unique medicine you bring to the world.
There are no words to describe the profundity of the growth and healing โ both personally and professionally. And I know I am not the only one. We all came to this container at different places on the path of life, and we all got out of it exactly what we needed โ that is magical!
Marilu and the other participants became family as we shared and grew deeply together. A true community where you can completely be yourself with no judgement, where you can be witnessed and deep space held for you, is very rare these days. And that is exactly what Marilu created. I made connections that I know will last my life, I am so grateful for this.
I came out of this container completely transformed. I cannot un-see what I now see. Paradigms have been shifted.ย Whole worlds have open up to me, and my capacities have deepened. My renewal to my path and lifeโs calling is complete. I am endlessly grateful to Marilu for this, and I look forward to continue growing with her for many decades to come.
The world needs more medicine women who are genuinely here to heal the toxic paradigms that we have been living in. In Marilu, you will find a teacher and mentor who is completely dedicated to pulling the veil from the illusions that keep people separated from the Truth. She is bold and honest, ruthless in speaking the truth, loving and gentle โ all at the same time. She is a fearless warrior full of compassion andย love and she helps you find your courage and strengthย so that you can fully step into your path of becoming the exactย medicine you are here to be.
These are critical times we live in, and we need all of us.ย May you answer the call.
Rosaria Cabreraย ย RN, BSN, RCST
Integrative Somatic Trauma Therapy
Sacred Embodiment
TMย Body-Mind Practitioner
It is my deep honor to share the ways that Marilu has impacted my life. I share these words in deep love and respect for my beloved sister and maestra with the acknowledgement that these words are not enough to express my deep gratitude. Marilu found me a few years ago and I am so glad that she did. My life has not been the same since then. Our connection has been beyond the earthly realm and current timeline. It is because of my work with her that I felt complete and grounded in my Indigenous roots and medicine.
When I met Marilu, I was still experiencing physical pain from trauma I endured in academia and in my life. And while I was returning to my gifts and sacred ways, I still felt hesitant in claiming my medicine and my roots. With Mariluโs guidance and potent healings, I recovered parts of my soul. I REMEMBERED. In working with her I claimed my destiny as a medicine woman in the Qโero Inca lineage, and since that happened, I have felt something lock in place in my heart โ pieces of me that I have been searching for my whole life were finally found, and I felt completely embodied. The powerful Shamanic energy healings helped me to clear energetic imprints and recover my soul essence. I am ever grateful for Mariluโs gentle support and healing medicine, for it set me where I needed to be in this lifetime. She helped my spirit remember.
As a medicine woman who practices shamanic Earth medicine, Marilu also helped me to see beyond this earthly reality. She helped me to see beyond this timeline and beyond this agreed upon reality to be able to tap into the highest visions. She helped me to trust the visions that have been given to me and to honor them and bring them forth. She helped me to honor my unique blueprint and to honor the medicine I carry. It was her faith in me as a medicine woman that helped me completely unspell from academia and honor my destiny and path. There is so much more I can say about the teachings she offered to initiate me as a medicine woman, but those are not meant to be shared. I trust that they are seen and felt by those with whom I work.ย She also helped me to understand that we can only help those who do their own work, that we are not responsible for everyone, and that we need to honor our rest and pace so that our medicine can remain potent.
As a medicine woman who works deeply with the divine feminine, Marilu also helped me feel confident in the ways that I naturally show up. Spending so much time in academia, I felt shame for showing up in intuitive, organic, fluid, non-linear ways. And, in receiving her teachings, wisdom, and medicine, I felt more confident in my divine feminine, which allowed my gifts to expand.
I have also had the honor of collaborating with Marilu in offering teachings to the greater collective. The potency of our medicine is amplified when we gather and work together. It has been a true honor to work with another medicine woman who honors and actually moves through the medicine, energy, and visions that are presented in real time. This is rare and it is one of the reasons why I have so enjoyed working with her. I do not do academic and linear teachings, for they stifle the medicine and downloads that are made available for the people who show up to work with us.
Mariluโs teachings and guidance connected me more deeply with the spirits, the elements, the web of life, and my womb and power as a woman. I am forever transformed and am eternally grateful, for her medicine has helped me, my family, and all those with whom I work.
For those who feel called to work with Marilu, I encourage you to do so, if you are ready to do your own work. If you are ready to receive for the right reasons, by merely being in her presence you will receive an activation. If you feel called to work with her, I encourage you to do so if you are ready to show up humbly, in integrity and right relationship, if you are ready to EMBODY the work, if you are ready to trust the process not just the outcome, and if you are ready to call forth the ancient future through your own vessel and your own work. I know that the work I used to do before, as a psychologist, as a professor, and as a phd, pales in comparison to the medicine I offer now. I humbly carry the teachings from the Apaza lineage and the Qโero Inca lineage as an initiated medicine woman, to offer healing to the world that restores the balance and harmony it needs.
Marilu, thank you for your sisterhood that you offer so authentically, thank you for your devotion to the medicine path, thank you for your courage to embody the divine feminine so that we too can remember, thank you for all the ways that you show up, seen and unseen, that are helping us to birth the new earth. Thank you for being a person of integrity, for being trustworthy, for being truly devoted to the ways we are called to show up in these prophetic times. My deep gratitude to our guides for bringing us together again in this lifetime.
Deep bow to you sister, with so much love,
Dra. Rocio Rosales Meza
ย Medicine Woman Path II
13-week program begins in the Spring of 24′ย
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