Mending the Web of Life:  The Way of the Pampa Mesayoq

Meets weekly for 11 consecutive weeks

via Zoom


I’m beyond Grateful to collaborate with the Original Carriers, with the Elders of the Andes in this one of a kind opportunity  in which you will received the Ways of the Pampa Mesayoq seeds Directly from them! The ways of the Pampa Mesayoq are the ways of the Stewards of the Pachamama, the Earth and All sentient Beings, thereby contributing in the mending and repair of the sacred Web of Life at this time of major upheaval and darkness.

In Trusting how Spirit and the Andean Lineage wish to use me as a vessel in my capacity as a Medicine Woman, this offering is steeped in the Shamanic Wisdom Traditions of the Andes.

Kuraq Akulleq, Humberto Soncco will share Ancient Energetic Transmissions meant to awaken within you the seeds of the new consciousness. The unfolding of the New Pachaqutec.

You will receive specific cosmo-vision Teachings to work in connection with the energies and essence of the Earth and with the energies and essence of the Apus, mountain spirits to bring deep restoration and healing to the land you lived in and to your communities.

Through Ceremonies, conversations, energetic transmissions, Rites and coca leaf readings, you will receive powerful knowledge and visions of what is possible for our evolution as keepers of the Earth, as guardians of life at this time of the big shift.

Each week Elder Humberto Soncco will shared his lived expereince as a Kuraq Aqullec, Andean holder of a Shamanic tradition that spands way back, in ways that will activate your own remembrance and inspire you to live in more harmonious, coherent ways as a Pampa Mesayoq, Earth Keeper.

The first 7 sessions are guided directly by the Elders with translations from me and Yuri Flores. The last 4 sessions I will be guiding you through Earth Based somatic practices and Shamanistic Journeys. You will be journeyed through and with the Four Elements for Inner Alchemy, Transformation, Calibration and Empowerment.

For the 4 last sessions:

Through Shamanistic practices involving working closely with plant allies and the world of dreams, you will have somatic and energetic experiences that will deepen your innerstanding of Shamanism and how through this body of wisdom you can become an active steward in mending and repairing the Web of Life in concrete ways.

For the last 4 sessions, you are invited to work with one plant ally each week and to bring your plant ally to our container to create a living tapestry of plant narratives and healing.  

It is my belief that through the process of Industrialization, Capitalism, and a fast-paced culture, we have become disconnected and numb to the world of Spirit, the unseen and to the essence and energy that each Living Element carries. This creates tears and rips in the web of life; this fragments our souls and when we are disembodied, we wedge war on others and the living ecosystems. In Mending the Web of Life: The Way of the Pampa Mesayoq, the Lineage of the Andes will help you to remember your place within the tapestry of the living Earth, helping you to call back and retrieve soul pieces (Llamado de Animo) with the assistance of both Pachamama and the mountain spirit, the Apus. Those transmissions will then awaken and activate your own unique Medicine and gifts. 

May what lies dormant as a seed be activated and reveal for Inner Alchemy and may that ripple to the entire web of life…


Our intention for this container is to offer you a space to calibrate your living body to the body of the Earth. Your nervous system to the living system of the Web of Life through the Wisdom Traditions and Shamanistic Practices of the Andes to bring about restoration and deep healing within and without.

My beloved teachers and I are invoking and calling in a sacred container of like-minded individuals to restore coherence that mends and repairs from the inside out because that is what the Earth Mother desperetely needs, Stewards and sacred keepers. 

If you are seeking a soulful container for support steeped in ancient wisdom teachings, Shamanistic medicine and somatic, sensory practices to elicit and rekindle the Elemental flame of soul within you, then this 11-weeks Journey is for you. 

 Each week we will engage in Earth based healing modalities working closely with plant allies, mountain spirits and animal allies and echoing them accross time and space dimensions, into the Pacha, thereby creating micro-systems of Cosmos.

50 % of all proceeds go directly to supporting the building of a home in the city of Cusco for when the Elders from the high Andes need to be in the city for bureaucratic reasons or to perform healings, this home will provide them with a safe place to stay. Thank you! 


The Structure 

  • For this container, we are invoking the forces of nature, plant allies, dreams, mountain allies and your higher intuition, therefore, it is important to allow flow and Alchemy.
  • This container is Shamanistic in nature and so there is no a clear schedule for each week, Yet, know that we have put our higher intentions and devotions into birthing this container and bringing deep restoration and repair to our weary hearts, bodies and the body of Gaia.

     Who is this Container for? 

    This container is for the seekers of ancient ways and Earth Based practices. It is for space holders, the sacred guides, the Medicine people who wish to receive nourishment and new inspiration. This container is also for those new to the concept of Shamanism and wish to learn from an unbroken and pure Indigenous Lineage.

    This container is for those seeking a healing container and who are feeling weary due to the current state of the world. This container is open to those who have done Decolonial work and is also open to those on a personal healing and Rematriating journey. You are Welcome!

    The exchange for this one of a kind Shamanistic experience is $ 1,333.
    For Returning students, the exchange is $ 1,111. Returning students please email me at to receive the 16% discount code. 

    NOTE:  You will receive the zoom link 24 hours before we officially open the container.

    Meets every Sunday for 11 consecutive weeks from 4-6:30 pm PST. Replays available for each session in case you can’t attend live

    I recently participated in a shamanic ancestral meditation guided by the wisdom of a curandera . As I delved into this ancient and mystical practice, I could feel the reverberations of a powerful awakening deep within the core of my being. 

    The resonance of this meditation reached beyond the surface of my consciousness, penetrating the layers of my soul and connecting me with the ancestral wisdom that flows through the currents of time. As Marilu lead me through the ritual, I found myself journeying through the vast tapestry of my family’s lineage, tracing the threads that bound me to those who came before. With each breath and drum beat, I danced and could sense the presence of my ancestors, their stories, their experiences merging with my own. It was as if I was tapping into a wellspring of ancient knowledge, a reservoir of wisdom that had been passed down through generations, waiting patiently to be discovered, reclaimed. 

    The energy in the room  pulsated with a sacred resonance, as if the spirits of my forebears were whispering their secrets and blessings into my very soul. This profound connection to my ancestral roots began to illuminate the path of self-discovery, revealing insights and revelations that had long remained hidden in the recesses of my consciousness. 

    Dominique T.

    The Way of the Pampa Mesayoq was my first container with Marilu, and it has been one of the most profound experiences of my life. It is an honor and a blessing to be in the energetic presence of the Elders, Yuri and Marilu. Their teachings, guidance and sacred energy medicine is incredibly powerful and beautiful. I am humbled and in reverence of this path, it is one of the most beautiful to witness and receive. I have been on a spiritual and healing path for quite some time now, and intuitively have been shifting my life to be in alignment with the calling of my heart, but I have felt lost and unanchored in many ways…this container felt like an anchoring presence guiding me home. Deeply affirming, humbling and sacred. 

    Thank you so much Marilu
    With love and deep gratitude,
    Lindsey Bolton

    This sacred experience came at the right time and with such potency in my life. Being in the presence of elders embodying and teaching the medicine of the Andes was everything my soul has been longing for. The magic of this container is still speaking within and through me in powerful ways. The elders Maestro Soncco and Abuela Martina and Yuri were so loving and embodied wisdom. We practiced making despachos and learned about the chakana and being in right relationship with the land. I’m deeply inspired. I also continue to appreciate how Maestra y Hermana Marilu holds this container- with the lens of social justice. Gone are the days where I choose to be led by spiritual teachers that do not weave in social justice- that’s deeply important to my heart- and our collective healing and mending the web of life. So much gratitude for this container- truly a blessing. These words fall short, still. This experience is one that can only be deeply felt!”
    I also wanted to share that I’d love to visit Peru (next year) with a cohort -of it aligns with others!!
    Thank you for your guidance-my ancestors have led me to you and they make no mistakes 🙂


    Pronouns: she/her/hers/ella
    Author of The Pain We Carry: Healing CPTSD for People of Color
    Natalie Gutierrez

    Pampa mesayoq review

    I’ve been deeply fortunate and grateful to have participated in both the Medicine Woman I + II as well as a retreat all led by Marilu, and I will first say that the containers she holds, her personal sacred medicine and the way she teaches are all held and transmitted in impeccable integrity, clarity and compassion. Her love and reverence for the Q’ero lineage is evident in all that she does, and when she offers teachings, I jump at every opportunity I have to participate, because I know they will be inherently powerful, honest and rooted in right relationship. I am so grateful for her, as a teacher and also as a sister. 


    I truly lack words to convey the depth of teachings transmitted in The Pampa Mesayoq container. To be in receiving of wisdom and karpays from Elder Humberto Soncco, Doña Martina and Yuri Flores is an invaluable and precious gift of a lifetime. The purity, beauty and undeniable Truth held in the wisdom reached my very core and honestly turned me inside out. Deep emotion came up for healing in many different ways. This may sound difficult and I won’t lie and say it wasn’t – but this was a deconstruction, a humbling in the best way possible, and I can feel myself coming out of this deep, healing transformation a much clearer woman. The karpays facilitated a level of healing for me I really could not have comprehended without the experience. Part of the beauty of the wisdom is that it is so experiential; it will meet you in exactly the right way at the right time, at least in my experience, and that was something that was reinforced throughout. I will be integrating all I received for time to come. And I was indeed ready for it all, as you will be for however it meets you, should you commit to this beautiful journey of illumination. Through devotion to the practices shared that help us rediscover our inherent connection to Pachamama and the cosmos, I have experienced firsthand that self healing does occur, but there is also a multidimensional expansion of inner-standing in how we are ALL deeply connected to each other through the web of life. Through recognizing this sacred relationship, we can clarify our own purpose and unique gifts that we bring into the world to aid in unity and healing for ALL. 


    I do feel my gifts becoming clarified and stronger with a far deepened understanding of who I am, thanks to this beautiful earth based energy medicine. I trust the path of my life. And I hold tremendous reverence and gratitude for the intact medicine of the Q’ero lineage, always. Thank you so much Marilu and wisdom keepers.

    take care,

    Liana Moynier, L.E

    Mending the Web of Life: The Way of the Pampa Mesayoq
    I’m going to be blunt. Like many folks raised in America—Ive been taught  to be skeptical when it comes to spiritual healing and medicine. I joined this course in good faith, hoping to learn more about indigenous ways, unsure of what it would entail, and hoping that something inside of me would become unstuck. I felt empty, lost and afraid to change.
    The last few months have been transformative, beautiful and humbling.
    Life saving.
    Through the sessions offered by Marilu and the Pampa Mesayoq, the elders of the Andean mountains, I have been gifted with a way of viewing myself and life that is wholly different than the way I was raised. More complete, grounded in ancient wisdom, and anchored by understanding of my place within a web, within an ecosystem.
    Having a framework to guide my actions and values is an invaluable. It’s a calling, a guiding star, a path, a sense of meaning and belonging. These are things our society has deprived of us. And these things help us live a meaningful life, one that’s in service to others and full of gratitude and joy.
    I can’t recommend Marilu and her courses enough. They have quite literally changed the way I interact with the world for the better.
    With gratitude
    Belen Hermosillo

    Here is my testimonial for this container:
    I have been so moved by the medicine provided in this container.
    To have the privilege to learn directly from the Q’ero elders was such a beautiful and transformational experience. 
    The energy that they bring and the clarity and passion that Marilu provides, and the warmth and support I received from the sisters in the group made this journey so memorable and gentle. Especially during these difficult times as we are facing multiple genocides and questioning our role in all of this.
    The energetic transmissions provided through Karpays and Despachos made me very aware of the Hucha that needed to be faced and transmuted. It opened me up to so much divine guidance and messaging that came through in my dream scape, but also in my awakened state through animal messengers and other synchronicities.
    I feel more worthy, Courageous, supported, confident and unconditionally loved. 
    This is not a container where you receive one on one guidance, however it is made very aware to you energetically, and it is up to you to sit with, follow through and integrate.
    I thank Marilu for sharing these teachings and medicines to us.
    In gratitude,
    Melina Chavarria