Teachings & Workshops
Shamanic Teachings
Testimonialsย >
Embodied Leadership
Collectively, we are in a time of great transformation, of regeneration and returning to natural, circadian, Lunar and Earth rhythms. Our Earth Mother is transitioning her position in the milky way and coming to the center of it. This rare event only happens every 26,000 years and when it does, it ushers forward an evolutionary leap in human consciousness. Hence, she is needing us Women to re-sync our cycles to her cycles, our rhythms to her rhythms.
One of the ways in which we can bring restoration to both our internal and external landscapes and to the body of our Earth is by Reclaiming the potency, wisdom, healing and Medicine inherent in our menstrual cycles, in the ways of the Sacred Feminine, and in the ways of deep intuition and inner knowing.
Medicine Woman Path
This offering is only open to those deeply committed to breaking away from the current systems that have desecrated Earth and all life on Earth. This is a calling to the future women who will Steward and Birth the New Earth through the Medicine of the Earth in Right Relationship, Right Alignment, and in Integrity with the Web of Life.
This offering is intended to introduce you to Earth-Based Medicine, to shed light into the emerging Archetype of the Medicine Woman and her dynamic role in ushering forward the New Earth consciousness through her service and embodiment.ย
The Three Shamanic Worlds
This 3-day workshop offers an exploration of the meaning, symbolism, medicine, archetypes, energies and depths of the Upper, Middle, and Lower Worlds within the Inca Shamanic cosmo-vision. It will be an experiential, somatic experience to elicit your evolution, not through the lens of love and light, but through the power and medicine of integrating both shadows and gifts.
Winter Solstice & Cacao Medicine
This 1-day workshop is a combination and exploration of the meaning, symbolism, medicine, archetypes, energies and depths of the Upper, Middle and Lower Worlds within the Inca Shamanic cosmo-vision AND an experiential somatic experience to elicit your evolution, not through the lens of love and light but through the power and medicine of integrating both shadows and gifts.
This offering is intended to introduce you to Earth-Based Medicine, to shed light into the emerging Archetype of the Medicine Woman and her dynamic role in ushering forward the New Earth consciousness through her service and embodiment.ย
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